A Comparative Analysis

The Bible
with the Koran

Truth VS Choas

A Comparative Analysis of the Bible with the Koran by Charles R. Floyd explores doctrinal, historical, and theological contrasts between the Bible and the Koran. It highlights key differences in themes like grace, mercy, works, and salvation while critically analyzing scriptural disparities, societal impacts, and interpretations. This thought-provoking study encourages readers to delve deeper into understanding faith and scripture.

Both the Bible and the Koran teach different basic ideas regarding grace, works, and salvation, which is why they couldn’t be more different in content."

Romans 10:17

Aboiut The Book

Charles R. Floyd



A Comparative Analysis of the Bible with the Koran by Charles R. Floyd explores doctrinal, historical, and theological contrasts between the Bible and the Koran. It highlights key differences in themes like grace, mercy, works, and salvation while critically analyzing scriptural disparities, societal impacts, and interpretations. This thought-provoking study encourages readers to delve deeper into understanding faith and scripture.

The Holy Bible

The Bible:

The Holy Bible is regarded as the inerrant word of God and serves as the foundation of Christian faith. It emphasizes the principles of divine grace, salvation through faith, and the importance of a personal relationship with God.

1. The Bible declares itself as inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16), guiding doctrine, correction, and righteous living.

2. Salvation is through grace and faith in Jesus Christ, rather than through human deeds (Ephesians 2:8-9).

3. The Bible presents a chronological narrative, offering clarity and consistency in its teachings.

4. Emphasizes love, redemption, and the eternal promise of salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Holy Koran

The Koran:

The Holy KORAN is regarded as the central religious text of Islam, believed to be the word of Allah as revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It emphasizes the importance of good works, submission to Allah, and a structured moral and spiritual path.

1. The KORAN highlights the importance of good deeds and personal accountability, with salvation linked to one’s actions (Sura 2:25, 2:277).

2. Allah’s mercy and guidance are recurring themes, offering hope and forgiveness for those who repent and strive to live righteously (Sura 4:173).

3. The KORAN recounts narratives from earlier scriptures, interpreting them within an Islamic framework (Sura 7:43).

4. It provides instructions for worship, social justice, and interpersonal conduct as pathways to a fulfilling life and eternal reward.

Charles R. Floyd

Charles R. Floyd. Born again Christian, sinner saved by grace, blessed by being born in and raised in southeastern Tennessee, USA.
Graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1977 with a B.S., later received a Master of Business Administration degree from Golden Gate University in 1982. In 1989, received a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Northern California Bible College. Finally, a Juris Doctorate from the British-American School of Law in 2001.

The last 50 years of my working career were spent building Church projects as a construction-project management firm throughout California and other states of US, Navy veteran of the Cuban blockade (1962) and the Vietnam war (1963, 1964, 1965). Upon retiring and isolation through Covid, I embarked on the writing of this book.

Two of the most important religious books in the world had their historical and doctrinal roots questioned in this work."

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When Obedience Matters: Moses’ Mistake at Maribah

History has a way of repeating itself in the most unexpected places. Two sacred texts—one ancient, one even older—tell the same story but with subtle differences that alter the lesson. In A Comparative Analysis of the Bible with the Koran – Truth vs. Chaos by Charles R. Floyd, the parallels

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